Finding Similarities Between Women

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Lauren S.
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Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Lauren S. »

Lauren Sonsteby

Finding Similarities Between Women

“Mona Lisa Smile” and “And the Spring Comes” are both films that encourage women empowerment and display many accounts of verbal strategies using ethos. Both films use verbal and non-verbal strategies using camera shots, angles and framing to display their powerful message. “And the Spring Comes” uses abrupt transitions and social realism to portray people as they normally are. “Mona Lisa Smile” uses freethinking to question traditional social roles and fights against the status quo. Freethinking meaning the characters can form their own opinions, independent of authority or tradition. There are many similarities and differences in both films but I will focus on the usage of ethos and the cultural representation of women empowerment.

“Mona Lisa Smile” is a story of a free spirited art history instructor, Katherine, who accepts a job at Wellesley College, an all female prestigious institution and very high class where they dress and act proper. The film shows all the women in clean, impressive clothes with full make-up at all times. Katherine quickly learns that her credentials on paper affect negatively the way students treat her since she is not very accredited and unmarried. This ethos that builds around Katherine’s reputation before anyone had even met her, makes the students disrespect her on the first day of class by being impolite. She also learns that these girls are book smart and educated but do not know how to think for themselves. Their parents and school administration promote a predetermined path for these girls that is to stick to their traditional morals and thoughts with the goal to marry into a virtuous family. Katherine said to her class, “I thought I was headed to a place that would turn out tomorrow’s leaders, not their wives.” Katherine decides to instill her students with her own beliefs as to what is important when becoming your own person and to see the world through new eyes. She empowered her students especially Betty who said, “But to change for others is to lie to yourself. My teacher, Katherine Watson, lived by her own definition and would not compromise that, not even for Wellesley.” She empowered women to think for themselves and break down walls to encourage them to follow their dreams.

“And the Spring Comes” takes on women empowerment in a different way than the other film. Ms. Wang is a full time vocal instructor and sings beautifully, but her looks limit her in the industry because she is not attractive according to Chinese social standards. Her ethos or credibility is built solely on the sound of her voice because others think she is an incredible singer, but know she will never succeed due to her appearance. The camera shots show flaws on her skin, crooked teeth, and unflattering angles throughout the entire film. The angles also show how life in not always glorious with dark lighting and a very dreary setting. Wide camera angles and naturalistic photography show how impersonal her city is and how she wants to live in Beijing. Ms. Wang’s dream is to sing at the National Opera House and along the way she falls in love with an aspiring artist that ends up terribly, befriends a gay ballet dancer who wants to marry her just to fit in, and helps others who end up hurting her but can’t seem to find happiness. All the hardship Ms. Wang faces pressure her to choose marriage, when in fact she is a strong independent woman who does not need to be taken care of. All of the characters throughout the film struggle to realize their dreams, but more importantly to be accepted and understood in the Chinese society. In the end, Ms. Wang finds joy by defying the norm by being a woman in China and adopting a little girl only to find the meaning of her life purposeful due to her child.

Both films show the woman’s ethos through their strong voices and inspirational teachings as well as empowering women in different ways. Katherine liberating her students by being a strong woman role model and Ms. Wang who shows herself and her daughter love and acceptance. Both women use their strengths, ethos, and talent to show others the greatness of being different. There were very noticeable differences in the non-verbal strategies in the makings of the films because “Mona Lisa Smile” has smooth transitions with bright colors whereas “And the Spring Comes” makes sudden scene changes with darker colors. However, the message to defy the norm and break down traditional societal roles carries throughout both films. Both women, Wang and Katherine, resemble this theme of empowering themselves and women.
Xinlei C.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Xinlei C. »

Dear Lauren:
Good evening maybe. It is so glad to have a read on your essay. In my opinion, you are very good at comparing and analying the two films and use right expressions to deliver your idea. More about my reply will be present in the attachment files. I am iooking forward to your reply too.
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Yijing F.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Yijing F. »

Here's my review on your essays, I highly appreciate the phrasing of yours!
Feedback to Lauren Sonsteby.docx
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Xinlei C.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Xinlei C. »

Dear Lauren,
I noticed that nearly all of you had taken the skills of making a film, and I am wonder why if you have some courses on it or you learn it at the beginning of writing this essay? I am looking for your reply . Thank you.
Lauren S.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Lauren S. »

Dear Xinlei,
I have never taken a film class! But I have always enjoyed watching films with friends and analyzing the film. Have you ever taken a film course? Thanks for asking!
Xinlei C.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Xinlei C. »

it is a pity that i didn't have a film class before. Alhough I also will watch some films from time to time, I nearly go very deep into the idea behind the film. Maybe I will try to do it in the future. Thanks for reply. :)
Lauren S.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Lauren S. »

Here is my revised essay reviewing both films. I throughly enjoyed reading your comments and making the changes. 谢谢!
Finding the Similarities Between Women.docx
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Lauren S.
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Re: Finding Similarities Between Women

Post by Lauren S. »

I have attached my reflection on the border-exchange activity. It has been great experience and best of luck with your studies!
Lauren Sonsteby
Reflection on Exchange.docx
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