
The following is a list of scholarly articles related to this project:

Wu, Z. (2018). Technology-mediated transnational writing education: An overview of research and practice. In You, X. (Ed.), Transnational writing education: Theory, history, and practice (pp. xx-xx). New York: Routledge.

Zhang, Y. (2018). English teacher identity development through a cross-border writing activity. In You, X. (Ed), Transnational writing education: Theory, history, and practice (pp. xx-xx). New York: Routledge.

Wu, Z. (2018). 外语写作跨洋互动研究二十载:成果、问题与展望 [Two decades of research on online intercultural writing exchange: Outcomes, problems, and prospects]. 现代外语 [Modern Foreign Languages], (2), 235-245.

Liu, L., & You, X. (2018). 基于跨文化修辞学视角的“跨洋互动”写作教学活动设计 [An intercultural rhetoric-based pedagogical design: A ‘cross-border’ writing activity]. 现代外语 [Modern Foreign Languages], (2), 257-267.

Zhang, Y. (2018). 中美“跨界互动”写作活动中职前英语教师的身份构建 [Pre-service ESL teacher identity development through ‘cross-border’ writing activities]. 现代外语 [Modern Foreign Languages], (2), 268-278.

You, X. (2016). Cross borders in teacher education. In Cosmopolitan English and transliteracy (pp.198-225). Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press.

Zheng, C., Du, Y., & Wu, Z. (2013). 中美学生跨洋互动:行动研究与预料分析 [Chinese and American student cross-Pacific interactions in English: Action research and data analysis]. Beijing: 科学出版社 [Science Press].