Mariah's Response Paper

Kelly S., Paige W., Mariah L., Xianxing Y., Rong S., and Jiahui W.
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Mariah L.
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Mariah's Response Paper

Post by Mariah L. »

Hi friends!

I have attached my paper for Dr. Zhang's class. Looking forward to reading everyone's papers and to hearing your thoughts!!

Reading Response - Exchange.docx
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Jiahui W.
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Re: Mariah's Response Paper

Post by Jiahui W. »

This article is very specialized and closely related to applied linguistics. Mooney and Evans are introduced to discuss the different forms of expression of descriptive and prescriptive views .Clear regulations, list the case very professional, at the same time, contact your own experience to show her own attitude in language--"grateful". In addition, shows that the Works Cited, very serious and strict.
The Response of Discussion Question:1. Descriptive language: Advantages: vivid, interesting and flexible.
Disadvantages: need corresponding language object, otherwise easy to cause misunderstanding.
Prescriptive language: Advantages: rigorous and serious, convenient for academic research.
Disadvantages: need corresponding knowledge store to understand.
2.Changes in language can lead to major changes in behavior.I'm taking a general education course called modern social communication psychology.In class, I learned the importance of language differences in life communication and how to use language correctly to communicate.For example: the use of appellations, taboo words, euphemisms, etc.
Xianxing Y.
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Re: Mariah's Response Paper

Post by Xianxing Y. »

I am very glad to read you passage.Your passage has a clear structure.You wrote the most important things to let us can read the most important things.What is more,you also give us something details.You wrote two points and explain them It is a good mode for me At the last paragraph,conclusion is also a good way to write a passage.
I also have some ideas about you passage.Maybe it is a good way to give more examples to let reader understand more easily.I think may be three examples is the most .You can add two or three paragraph let you passage more complete.About the last paragrap,you can complain the first paragraph let the first paragraph and last paragraph is simple.
Xianxing Y.
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:57 am

Re: Mariah's Response Paper

Post by Xianxing Y. »

I am very glad to read you passage.Your passage has a clear structure.You wrote the most important things to let us can read the most important things.What is more,you also give us something details.You wrote two points and explain them It is a good mode for me At the last paragraph,conclusion is also a good way to write a passage.
I also have some ideas about you passage.Maybe it is a good way to give more examples to let reader understand more easily.I think may be three examples is the most .You can add two or three paragraph let you passage more complete.About the last paragrap,you can complain the first paragraph let the first paragraph and last paragraph is simple.
Mariah L.
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Nov 13, 2018 2:11 am

Re: Mariah's Response Paper

Post by Mariah L. »

Hi Jiahui,

Thanks for your thoughts! I try to be super aware when I cite other people’s work, even when I’m not required to. For example, I write a blog, and when I cite people there, I always give them credit (even if I don’t include a Works Cited page!). I want to treat other authors how I would like to be treated, and I would rather be too careful than not careful enough.

In response to your answer to Discussion Question 2—that’s fascinating!! I hadn’t thought about that. And I think there can be a cycle at work, too. Using euphemisms is a good example. If I say straight out, “Dude, guys, my brother is pigging out in the back of the van,” I am probably very comfortable with the people I am speaking to. On the other hand, if I am with older people, I might say something like, “My brother was quite hungry, so he’s eating a lot of the food.” My respect for older people changed my speech; and, it can happen that we get into the habit of speaking a certain way, which can then change our character a little. Awesome thoughts!

Hi Xianxing,

Thank you for your comments and suggestions!! I must confess that when I am writing for school, sometimes I write just enough to fulfill the assignment criteria, even if I have more ideas for what to write. I am being challenged this semester by a professor who has not given us a certain page requirement (like, “write 13 pages”), but told us to write until we are satisfied with our work. Though I am still keeping page numbers in mind, my focus is mostly on the content of my paper, which is pretty cool. Thank you again!!!
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